Thursday 1 July 2010

NOTES 1/7/10

Let nature guide you through all the transitions.

Crow and the wind say:- Share your JOY.. feel the life force running through you,
dance, sing, create. Lighten up and smile.. the world loves it when you smile.

I wasn't going to post on this blog for a couple of days due to a burst of creative enthusiasm pushing me on to create a couple of new blogs. However, I was reminded of the importance of sharing in the power of joy by the Wind and Crow.

Its been fun playing with the wind on the field today. I barely had to sweep at all, it very kindly blew the leaves right to the end of the bed for me. Thank you wind for your kind assistance, most grateful. The metal posts on the end of the bed sang a big OM with wind blowing through them, so we united in our OM's and sent out love to the universe.

Think about what gives you most joy? What is it that you are passionate about and driven to do. How do you share in your joy?

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